Monday, October 29, 2012

Homemade Dishwashing Detergent

No way. Absolutely NOT. There is no way something homemade can compete with my little individually wrapped, fancy blue tabs with a little red circle in the middle. After all, these have been perfected. They are beautiful. They are fun! They are EASY.


The recipe:

Also added two dots of BLUE DAWN DISH SOAP in dispenser (pre-wash & main wash):

The test: A full load of dishes, plus two extra gross ones.
Sticky Carrot Cake Mess
Homemade Maple Syrup- left on all morning/afternoon
The result:

Plus a dishwasher full of clean dishes!

I still haven't run out of JET DRY yet... but I'll be trying plain white vinegar when I do!

I'm impressed! Now check out my savings!!

JET DRY individual tabs:
100 tabs = $18.00 (COSTCO BULK/DISCOUNT)

Cost per load: 18 cents a load

$64.80 year

JET DRY individual tabs: ( I do not buy these from local grocery stores!)
20 tabs =$6.97 (local grocery store) 

Cost per load: 35 cents per load

$127.75 year


Borax: $3.38 for 4lbs (76oz) (TARGET) 9.5 cups <.36 a cup>
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda: 3.4lbs (55 oz) $2.19 (FRED MEYER) 6.875 cups <.32 a cup)
Citric Acid : $11.20 1 lb (AMAZON) 4.75cups  <2.36 a cup>
Salt (I used Epsom): $7.00 12lbs (COSTCO) 21 cups <.33 a cup>
Blue Dawn: $12.58 gallon (COSTCO)

Cost per recipe:
Borax .18
Washing Soda  .48
Citric Acid .59
Salt .08

$1.33 per recipe

.13 cents a load
$46.80 year

Savings: $18.00 year
And I will keep looking for ways to get this stuff cheaper including COUPONS! :)

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